Human Resources and General Affairs Area

The Human Resources and General Affairs Area is led by a Director (Degree in Political Science, socioeconomic specialicing), with adequate cultural preparation and twenty years’ experience, achieved with management roles in two multinational companies.
In support of this, a high-professional figure is envisaged, as Deputy Director (Degree in Economics and Law for Business Management).
In support, an individuality is provided, with suitables competences of the General Secretariat.

Pomme’s Human Resources and General Affairs Area is divided into two sectors:

  • Human Resources Sector made up of 2 Departments: Security Department and First Aid Department;
  • General Affairs Sector made up of 2 Departments: General Secretariat Department, and Environmental and Auxiliary Order Department.

The Human Resources Sector, which draws up the Cognitive Plan (tool for detecting the degree of integration of employees), constantly monitors both the performance and the needs of all company operators, detecting whether the action is profitable and satisfactory. All this in function of management policy, which sees the “centrality of the human element”.

The General Affairs Sector carries out multiple tasks, the main ones of which are: handling of legal duties, protection of health and safety in the workplace, relations with insurance companies, adoption of the best Management Systems Risk, relations with maintenance technicians and external technicians, and everything else inherent and consequent.

The Human Resources and General Affairs Area has technologically advanced tools and devices, being provided with a Personnel and Salary Management Software, a General Management Software, and coordination and updating systems.