Management process
Pomme management has efficiency and effectiveness requirements to be in perfect harmony with company planning, but above all with the strategic program indicated.
The company will adopt a system that, in turn, is made up of various subsystems, namely several parts linked together, each of which is assigned a specific function.
Main business functions to be developed are as follows:
- marketing function, which consists in identifying characteristics of clients needs. Pomme is a customer-oriented company, and therefore priority aim is customer satisfaction, so market research must be carried out to this end;
- commercial function which consists in preparing market strategies for sales organisation and realisation, product communication and customer service;
- production function which consists in organizing and carrying out the production process. That is, the physical transformation of raw materials into finished products;
- quality function which deals with verification, so that each action (and therefore, not only finished product), meets total quality requirements;
- logistics function which includes a series of activities concerning storage of goods received from suppliers, the collection of these and their transfer to processing departments, product packaging, the management of shipments to customers, etc.;
- procurement function which concerns in goods acquisitions to be used in the production process (machinery, plant, equipment, raw materials to be transformed, accessories, etc.); in particular, this function selects suppliers, to choose those that offer the most advantageous conditions in terms of quality of goods, price, deliveries punctuality;
- creation function which studies designer’s creation and indicates possible improvements during model creation;
- modelling function which studies methods for models and samples realization, for customers, and/or innovations in processes, in order to improve goods quality, design, and reduce costs;
- human resources function which is responsible for managing relations with employees, from recruitment time until the end of the employment relationship, trade union relations and every relationship, related and not to employment;
- general affairs function which deals with all activities not carried out by other sectors, and in particular: legal aspects, the “risk” (insurance), external and internal maintenance (businesses and craftsmen), and all other various;
- finance function which manages monetary means procurement necessary to carry out business, choosing best funding sources in view of company needs and costs to be incurred;
- accounting and budget function which is responsible for keeping the accounts, namely to record in books and documents of the company, the management operations;
- management control function using most suitable methods, it examines the achievement degree of aims, and in case of negative differences, it identifies causes.